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    Training is a constant and fundamental dimension of employment and an important instrument for the management of the human resources.

    This initiative is devoted to those researchers that have to deal, occasionally or more consistently, with training activities and life-long learning.

    The course will focus on how design an effective training activity, from a learning needs analysis to its planning and evaluation. A wide and in-depth attention will be dedicated to the most interactive learning methodologies to apply in adult education.

    On the basis of these premises, at the end of the training course, the participants will achieve the following objectives:

    • to know the basics of adult learning theories;
    • to know the training project lifecycle from the training need analysis to the evaluation process;
    • to learn about effective traditional and innovative training methodologies applied to adults;
    • to be able to plan and prepare a training activity;
    • to be able manage interactive presentations;
    • to be able to apply quality principles in training activites.


    Keynote lectures will alternates debates and discussions in order to facilitate sharing of knowledge, experiences and best practices. Examples from real situations, case studies and roleplays will be also used to better contextualise the training course contents with the aim to meet the professional needs expressed by the participants and to favour the problem solving approach.

    Practical activities and exercises will also be developed, as well as sub-group activities aimed at acquiring practical and operational skills.


    International Centre for Veterinary Training and Information “F. Gramenzi” (CIFIV)

    Via G. Caporale, 64100 Teramo

    +39 0861 332670

    Email:   - web:

    Click here to download CLASS SCHEDULE

    Barbara Alessandrini

    Barbara Alessandrini is responsible for the International Centre for Veterinary Training  and Information at IZSAM, where she has been working for 25 years.

    Graduated in Law at the University of Teramo, Barbara started her carrier as journalist, working four years in local TVs. She studied scientific journalism at the Libera Università degli Studi Sociali (LUISS) in Rome, technical reporting at the University of Colorado, Communication of Public Administration at the US Department of Agriculture, and Food Safety Systems Leadership at the University of Minnesota.

    Expert in risk communication and specialist of adult learning processes, she is responsible for technical, laboratory, and management training projects delivered traditionally and at distance and addresses web based communication and training initiatives in the framework of international research and assistance projects in veterinary public health.

    Since 2007 she has been responsible for the implementation of the BTSF programmes of the European Commission awarded by IZSAM. She is member of acknowledged European and international working groups such as the Reference group of the European Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science (ETPLAS), the Steering group of the World Health Organisation Platform for animal welfare in the European Region, the Editorial Board of CAROdog and CAROcat.

    Chiara Albanello

    Chiara Albanello got a university degree with honors in Education Sciences at University of Bologna and an MBA at Bologna Business School of University of Bologna. She is currently working, as senior trainer at IZSAIVl Training Unit. She has good working experiences as Senior Project Manager on EU Funding and ESF projects, and as coordinator for an Innovation Pole cofinanced by Abruzzo Region with ERDF funds. She was head of EU Funding, Innovation and Technology Transfer for SMEs at CNA Innovazione Emilia-Romagna. In 2010-11 she was appointed in the evaluation technical board of Fondartigianato Interprofessional Fund for continuos training. As pedagogical expert in life long learning, she had lessons in VET courses directed to trainers, entrepreneurs and managers.

    Since 2013 she was engaged with several projects focused on training under the Better Training for Safer Food Programme, as Event Manager. In the framework of eLearning BTSF projects, she worked as project manager of the development team ofthe different modules produced and localised in 5 languages. She is in charge of planning and developing residential and eLearning courses delivered by lZSAM and participates as expert in several European projects (DG SANTE, Erasmus Plus).

    Silvia D'Albenzio

    Graduated in Philosophy, since 1996 she works in the Human Resources Management field - both for public authorities and private companies. Silvia joined Istituto IZSAIVI in 2007. She is Programme Manager at the International Centre for Veterinary Training and Information (ClFIV) of IZSAIVI. She plans and coordinates projects funded by the European Institutions, the Italian Government, and other donors. She leads international consortia, as well as international technical and scientific teams of experts and external service suppliers. 

    She implements and assesses networks of excellence, personally responsible for the achievement of project results within set procedures. She is responsible for risk assessment and risk management, budgeting and reporting. She designs and coordinates communication and dissemination strategies, as well as awareness raising campaigns.

    She is member of acknowledged European and international working groups, such as the European Training Platform for Laboratory Animal Science (ETPLAS), and the Editorial Board of CAROdog and CAROcat projects.

    In her role, she is called to attend international meetings and conferences, where she regularly. provides presentations and lectures.

    Pina Mangifesta

    Pina Mangifesta got university degrees in Humanities and Education Sciences at University of Chieti and attended the ”Official Course in European Funding and Project Design” at Venice International University.

    From 2000 she works in VET (Vocational education and training) sector covering different roles: event manager, teacher, eLearning tutor, adult education expert, responsible for projects and needs analysis. In the last years Pina has been also involved as consultant as well as researcher in training projects funded by the Programme Erasmus Plus.

    At IZSAM she collaborates in organising international training courses in the framework of the ”Better Training for Safer Food" initiative. She actively participates in all the phases of the planning, organisation and evaluation of training projects. She also engaged in BTSF eLearning activities, setting up and taking care of customer care as well as tutoring activities managed by Moodle platform and directed to over 14.000 participants distributed in more than 80 countries.

    Ombretta Pediconi

    Senior Trainer at the International Centre for Veterinary Training and Information of IZSAM, she manages training and knowledge based projects in various fields of animal health and veterinary public health. She is responsible for the training programs delivered face-to-face and at distance by IZSAM as National Provider of Lifelong Education in Medicine (ECIVI). Qualified project manager and skilled class tutor, in the last years she has managed BTSF residential training courses on microbiological criteria and zoonoses, controls at BIPs and controls on FNAO and several training courses funded by the Italian Ministry of Health.

    Thanks to the acquired expertise as eLearning content developer, she has been appointed as pedagogical expert in the BTSF eLearning projects and project manager of eLearning courses carried out by IZSAM as National Reference Centre and Laboratory.

    She also collaborates in the development of courses and workshops for OIE, FAO, TAIEX, IAE and worked as short term expert in the framework of cooperation and technical assistance projects.

    Francesca Pompei

    Francesca Pompei got a university degree in International and diplomatic sciences (University of Bologna) and a master degree in management of international development cooperation (University of Pescara).

    From 2002 to 2011, she worked in Italy and abroad for non—governmental cooperation, being in charge of the implementation and monitoring of development projects in training and social sectors. She is currently working, as senior trainer, for IZSAM Training Unit. She has a good experience in planning, organising and managing training courses (residential and eLearning), meetings, workshops, conferences,