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Food science and technology - 2nd year

Indice degli argomenti

  • Graduation cum laude in Veterinary Medicine, PhD in "Food Inspection" and Specialist in "Inspection of Food of Animal Origin" at the University of Naples. Assignment of collaboration as Coadjutor Veterinary at the Department of Food Nutrition and Veterinary Public Health, Ministry of Health in Rome. Full researcher (S.S.D. VET 04, Inspection of Food of Animal Origin) at the University of Teramo (years 2000-2020).Associate professor (S.S.D. VET 04 - Inspection of Food of Animal Origin) at the University of Teramo since 2020.

    The research activity focused on food safety, biological hazards and hygiene requirements in food industry. Specific expertise on chemical residues in food (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heavy metals, mycotoxins, marine biotoxins, histamine and biogenic amines), their reference doses related to the dietary intake, and maximum limits set by the European legislation. Further studies regard the evaluation of food safety and process hygiene criteria with regards to meat and fishery products, milk and dairy products. Co-author of many scientific publications edited in national and international peer-reviewed journals, book chapters, proceedings of national and international congresses. 

    Guest Associate Editor of the international journal Frontiers in Microbiology, and Editor of two Research Topics on subjects associated to food safety (Biological hazards in food; Foodborne Pathogens: Hygiene and Safety).

    Topic Editor of the international journal Foods for two Special Issues (Rapid Methods for Assessing Food Safety and Quality; Biogenic Amines in Raw and Processed Foods: Detection and Control). Editor of book “Igiene degli alimenti – Aspetti igienico-sanitari degli alimenti di origine animale” (2014), Collana Edagricole Università & Formazione, and Member of Scientific Committee. 




    Knowledge and understanding: The students will study and integrate their acquired knowledge on hygiene and food safety with the national and international food legislation. They will be constantly updated with regards to law in force and following amendments. They will acquire competence in food management system based on current regulatory requirements. The knowledge and understanding will be provided by face-to-face lessons, seminars, exercises, and study of scientific papers.

    Applying knowledge and understanding: The student will be able to understand and apply the laws on food safety and provide a support to food business operators (FBOs) and managers of food industries.

    The student will know how to operate both in small and medium or large companies, by implementation of the prerequisite programs (Good Hygiene Practices, e.g. appropriate cleaning and disinfection, personal hygiene; Good Manufacturing Practices, e.g. correct dosage of ingredients, appropriate processing temperature; sanitation and pest control; training programme) and HACCP-based procedures required by the current European legislation (risk analysis, precautionary principle, transparency/communication, primary responsibility of FBOs and food traceability/recall systems).

    Making judgements: The acquisition of such knowledge will enable the student to follow the official control activities of competent authorities, to handle potential technical or legal problems occurring in food companies and solve any not compliance with laws.

    The student will be able to follow:

    - primary production and associated operations;

    - all activities after primary production further on in the production chain.

    The student will demonstrate the ability to apply the specific requirements of food safety, control measures and corrective actions for not compliances, revision of the HACCP plan according to recently published laws, management of sanitary hazards.

    Communication: The student will be able to describe in detail to FBOs the general requirements of food legislation and procedures related to food safety by means of:

    - updated personnel training programs;

    - descriptive notices of good hygiene practices;

    - data-sheets to be filled and included into the HACCP document of the food company.

    The student will be able to meet the competent authorities and describe the appropriate actions to be met.

    Learning skills: The student will acquire skills in-depth and independent management of new and emerging health hazards, the actions proposed by the constant evolution of food safety legislation and any other requirement imposed by the competent authorities.



    Prerequisite: The students should know the main principles of food hygiene and food safety.

    Preparatory: Non sono previste propedeuticità, ma ritenute importanti le discipline di Microbiologia alimentare e Igiene e Controllo Qualità degli alimenti,


    UNIT 1:


    Knowledge and understanding:

    Applying knowledge and understanding:

    Making judgements:


    Learning skills:












    Reference unit:

    Date: not yet defined

    Type of test:



    Two intermediate tests and final oral examination


  • Primary law: Treaties and Agreements. Secondary legislation: Regulations, Directives, Decisions, Recommendations, Opinions. 

    The European Union and the ordinary legislative procedure.


  • Introduction to the course.  The European food safety policy. The food safety requirements of Regulation 178/2002/EC.

  • Food safety in primary production. 

    Annex I of Regulation (EC) 852/2004: Hygiene provisions and record keeping.

  • The Regulation (EU) 382/2021 on the management of food allergens.

    The Official Controls Regulation and the Commission delegated/implementing acts.

  • The Regulations on pharmacologically active substances for food producing animals: procedure of authorization and maximum residue limits (MRLs). 

    The Regulations on plant protection products and pesticides.

  • The Regulation on microbiological criteria and following amendments.

    Examples of application of the Regulation on microbiological criteria. 

  • The Regulations on contaminants in food. 

    Nitrates and mycotoxins. 

  • The new contaminants added to the Regulation (EC) 1881/2006. 

    I partial test: questionnaire with multiple chioce. 

  • The meat chain: the objectives of the HACCP procedures.

    The identification of animals and the food chain information.

    The slaughter hygiene, microbiological criteria and health mark.

  • The hygiene during cutting and boning. The labelling of meat of different species.

    The rules for minced meat, mechanically separated meat and meat preparations.

  • The hygiene requirements for the production and harvesting of live bivalve molluscs. 

    The health standards and official controls.

  • The requirements for establishments including vessels handling fishery products.

    The health standards for the fishery products.

  • Final research projects