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Reproductive Biotechnologies - 1st year

Indice degli argomenti


    Education: 2° PhD (2015): University of Teramo, Department of Comparative Biomedical Sciences, Teramo, Italy; 1° PhD (2012): Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Krakow, Poland and Department of Neuroscience, Centre for Neurovirology, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA; MS (2004): Jagiellonian University, Cell Biology Department, Krakow, Poland.

    Work Experience:2014 - RIKEN, Bioresource Engineering Division, Tsukuba, Japan (JSPS Fellowship); 2007- present: Faculty of Veterinary, Teramo University, Teramo, Italy; 2004-2007: Department of Neuroscience, Centre for Neurovirology, Temple University, Philadelphia, USA.
    Number of publications: 29,
    Book chapters: 2;
    Patents: 2014 Co-inventor of patent “Direct protaminisation of somatic cells improves SCNT efficiency”; Major Awards: 2016 - Prize for best poster “Exogenous Expression of Human Protamine 1 (hPrm1) Remodels Fibroblast Nuclei into Spermatid-like Structures” awarded by Sir Gurdon (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012) during the International Symposium on Future of Nuclear transfer and Nuclear Reprogramming 10 March in Yamanashi (Japan); 2013 - Japan Society forthe Promotion of Science, Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (RIKEN, Tsukuba, Japan); 2013 - Research Grant from JSPS for Postdoctoral Fellowship for Foreign Researchers (at Prof. A. Ogura laboratory);

    Czernik’s H index is 13, with over 350 citations.
    Czernik’s full publications list is available on:




    • Knowledge and understanding: Topics: developmental biology of the main model organisms and mammals
      The frontal and practical lessons have been calibrated to provide a robust understanding of the mechanisms regulating early development
    • Applying knowledge and understanding: The background acquired on developmental biology will be applied for:i) execute basic micromanipulation techniques in the practical lessons; ii) to help students to select the topics most closer to their personal capacity/ambitions
    • Making judgements: The course foresees knowledge acquisition of ethically relevant issue, like the generation of totipotent/multipotent cells (embryonic, or otherwise induced multipotency - nuclear transfer), topics that touch sensible ethic issues. The students will learn the main ethical frame ruling scientific and pre/clinical application of the techniques acquired in the course.
    • Communication: The students will be invited to interact actively with the professors/teachers during frontal and practical lessons to implement their communication skills. to this extent, group of students will study and present in class a research paper selected by the tutor.
    • Learning skills: Students will acquire the skills to purse independent search in the field on developmental biology, should they wish to further explore arguments of pertinence of developmental biology.

    • Prerequisite: Excellent knowledge of molecular biology of the cells and the main experimental approached to study cell function.
    • Preparatory: Excellent knowledge of anatomy/physiology of the reproductive tract in male and female; excellent knowledge of gamete biology.


    UNIT 1: Topics: developmental biology of the main model organisms and mammals

    • Knowledge and understanding: The frontal and practical lessons have been calibrated to provide a robust understanding of the mechanisms regulating early development
    • Applying knowledge and understanding: The background acquired on developmental biology will be applied for:i) execute basic micromanipulation techniques in the practical lessons; ii) to help students to select the topics most closer to their personal capacity/ambitions
    • Making judgements: The course foresees knowledge acquisition of ethically relevant issue, like the generation of totipotent/multipotent cells (embryonic, or otherwise induced multipotency - nuclear transfer), topics that touch sensible ethic issues. The students will learn the main ethical frame ruling scientific and pre/clinical application of the techniques acquired in the course.
    • Communication: The students will be invited to interact actively with the professors/teachers during frontal and practical lessons to implement their communication skills. to this extent, group of students will study and present in class a research paper selected by the tutor.
    • Learning skills: Students will acquire the skills to purse independent search in the field on developmental biology, should they wish to further explore arguments of pertinence of developmental biology.

    UNIT 2: Topics: reproductive biotechnologies
    • Knowledge and understanding: To get acquainted with the main tools used for the most invasive embryonic manipulation (cloning, transgenesis), and the basic mechanisms regulating them. Understanding the potential, limits and potential improvements of the reproductive biotechnologies
    • Applying knowledge and understanding: Having clear indication of the fields where the above embryo manipulation can be safely applied
    • Making judgements: The course foresees knowledge acquisition of ethically relevant issue, like the generation of totipotent/multipotent cells (embryonic, or otherwise induced multipotency - nuclear transfer, transgenic animals, etc), topics that touch sensible ethic issues. The students will learn the main ethical frame ruling scientific and pre/clinical application of the techniques acquired in the course.
    • Communication: The students will be invited to interact actively with the professors/teachers during frontal and practical lessons to implement their communication skills. to this extent, group of students will study and present in class a research paper selected by the tutor.
    • Learning skills: Students will acquire the skills to purse independent search in the field on developmental biology, should they wish to further explore arguments of pertinence of developmental biology.



    Fondamenti di Biologia dello Sviluppo

    • Author: Jonathan Slack
    • Edition: Zanichelli, 2007

    Introduzione alla Embriologia
    • Author: Boris I. Balinsky
    • Edition: Zanichelli, 2004

    Principles of Development
    • Author: Lewis Wolpert
    • Edition: Oxford University Press, 2002

    The mammalian preimplantation embryo
    • Author: Barry D. Bavister
    • Edition: Plenum Press, 1987

    Biologia dello sviluppo
    • Author: Scott F. Gilbert
    • Edition: Zanichelli, 2006


    The concepts of experimental embryology, From Eggs to Embryo

    • Author: J. M. W. Slack,
    • Review: II edition, 1991
    • Pages: 9-33

    • Link ebook: 



    • Reference unit: 1
    • Date: 
    • Type of test: multiple choice test

    • Reference unit: 2
    • Date: 
    • Type of test: multiple choice test,


    • Reference unit: 3
    • Date: 
    • Type of test: multiple choice test,

    Intermediate test (quiz), final test (quiz)

    final test:

  • The course of embryology teaches students the basic mechanisms regulating embryonic and early foetal development, along with the classical research approaches to understand developmental biology. 

    The first lessons provides the students a backgorund on the early pioneers in developmental biology, focusing on the early attempts to understand the mechanisms leading to cell differentiation.