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Alessandra MARTELLI

Reproductive Biotechnologies - Elective

Indice degli argomenti

  • Born in Bologna in 1971. Mother of Elena, Andrea, Anna. 1994 Degree in Veterinary Medicine, University of Bologna, Italy. 1995- present, Academic researcher in the SSD V30A- VET01 (Anatomy of the Domestic Animals),University of Teramo. 2001 - 2013, elected for three terms Representative of the researchers of the Faculty Council of Veterinary Medicine, University of Teramo. 2001-2009: 1st Faculty of Agriculture, University of Teramo, 1st Level Degree Course Food Science and Technologies: Assistant professor in “Structure and Function of animal organisms (President of examination commission). From the 2004 teacher of "Veterinary and topographical general anatomy"(Faculty of Med. Veterinary),University of Teramo. 2004-2005, 2006-2007, 2007-2008, 2009- 2010, 2011-2012, Interuniversity 2nd Level Degree Course in Reproductive Biotechnologies, University of Teramo/Chieti. Assistant professor in “Structure of the Reproductive Apparatus”. 2004-present, One-Long Cycle 2nd Level Degree Course (laurea magistralis) in Veterinary Medicine. Assistant professor in “Topography Veterinary Anatomy”. 2012-2013, Interuniversity 2nd Level Degree Course in Reproductive Biotechnologies. Assistant professor in “Function of the Reproductive Apparatus”in Degree Course in Reproductive Biotechnologies. 2012-2017, Member of the Commission AVA for ANVUR-Agency for the Interuniversity 2nd Level Degree Course in Reproductive Biotechnologies. 2013-2017 orientation counsellor for the Interuniversity 2nd Level Degree Course in Reproductive Biotechnologies, University of Teramo/Chieti. 2014 Degreein Psychological Science, University of L’Aquila, Italy. 2015 Counseling degree. 2016 Gastronomic Counseling degree. 2017 Member of the Paritetic Commission in the Degree Course in Reproductive Biotechnologies.



    • Knowledge and understanding: This course aims to provide an in-depth understanding ovarian chronological angiogenesis modulation during ovarian folliculogenesis: from the primordial follicles to the antral periovulatory phases. Using the animal model, the student will acquire the necessary knowledge of follicular angiogenesis that represent a model study in order to clarify the angiogenic mechanism controlling the homeostasis of adult tissues.
    • Applying knowledge and understanding: The course will cover three topics: 1) comprehension of physiological angiogenic mechanism; 2) correlation between ovarian follicle growth and angiogenesis in the follicular wall; 3) follicular angiogenesis mechanism to understand the processes ensuring the reproductive success and homeostasis of adult tissues.
    • Making judgements: Making judgement is developed through independent and group activities requiring an individual effort (self-evaluation tests) together with group (colleagues) comparison (laboratory exercises).
    • Communication: After the course students will be able to communicate clearly and concisely utilizing their conclusions, information, acquired knowledge, underpinning rationale, ideas, problems and solutions related to the topics covered by specialists and non-specialists. In particular, they will be able to present their conclusions on biotechnology issues in a logical, concise and rigorous manner and to communicate, using the appropriate technical-scientific language.
    • Learning skills: Students are expected to develop learning skills and strategies to enable them to study both continuously and independently the course content and library materials, consultation databases and other web information

    • Prerequisite: None
    • Preparatory: None


    UNIT 1: The angiogenic process: history, type of angiogenesis; angiogenic mechanisms and factors

    • Knowledge and understanding: The unit aims to describe the angiogenic process: history, type of angiogenesis; angiogenic mechanisms and factors in particular of reproductive system.
    • Applying knowledge and understanding: To recognize the mechanism in question. Applying this knowledge and understanding as an individual or in group laboratory activities
    • Making judgements: To be able to develop a critical approach and to elaborate and suggest structured concepts.
    • Communication: To elaborate and suggest structured concepts
    • Learning skills: Develop themes aimed at a critical approach

    UNIT 2: Understand folliculogenesis through angiogenesis

    • Knowledge and understanding: This unit aims to recognize, in the ovarian parenchyma, follicles at various stages of development with different morphological architecture and functional asset.
    • Applying knowledge and understanding: To recognize the mechanism in question. Applying this knowledge and understanding as an individual or in group laboratory activities
    • Making judgements: To be able to develop a critical approach and to elaborate and suggest structured concepts.
    • Communication: To elaborate and suggest structured concepts
    • Learning skills: Develop themes aimed at a critical approach

    UNIT 3: Understand angiogenesis through folliculogenesis

    • Knowledge and understanding: This unit aims to recognize, by follicles at various stages of development, the physiological angionesis.
    • Applying knowledge and understanding: To recognize the mechanism in question. Applying this knowledge and understanding as an individual or in group laboratory activities
    • Making judgements: To be able to develop a critical approach and to elaborate and suggest structured concepts.
    • Communication: To elaborate and suggest structured concepts
    • Learning skills: Develop themes aimed at a critical approach


    • Monday hour 
    • Tuesday hour 
    • Wednesday hour 
    • Thursday hour 
    • Friday hour 


    The Ovary (Second Edition)

    • Author: Peter C.K. Leung and Eli Y. Adashi
    • Edition: Academic Press, 2004, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Stati Uniti


    Insights into ovarian follicle angiogenesis: morphological and chronological vascular remodeling from primordial to ovulating follicles

    • Author: Martelli A, Russo V, Mauro A, Di Giacinto O, Nardinocchi D, Mattioli M, Barboni B, Berardinelli P
    • Review: SM Vasc Med, year 2, 1, 2017
    • Pages: 1009- 1018



    • Reference unit: UD 1
    • Date: 
    • Type of test: Multiple choice tests

    • Reference unit: UD 2, 3
    • Date: 
    • Type of test: Project work

    Final testing will be performed with oral examinations