Legislation and bioetichs in medicine of reproduction - Prof. Ida Parisi - a.a. 2022/2023
Topic outline
2011: Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Giurisprudenza - Università LUISS Guido Carli, Roma, Italia - Tesi in Diritto Privato Comparato su “Il contratto di maternità surrogata in Italia e nel Regno Unito”
2016-2020: Partecipazione lavori di redazione della proposta di legge in materia di Gestazione per Altri con l’Associazione Luca Coscioni e altre associazioni
2016: International Lawyer Associate - American Bar Association (ABA) – Family Law Section, Assisted Reproductive Technologies Committee
2015: Avvocato, iscrizione all’Albo degli Avvocati di Taranto
2019: “Parenting Option for European gay men”, Men Having Babies Conference, Bruxelles
2019: “La maternità per conto altrui: profili di diritto interno e internazionale”, II Congresso Internazionale Fondazione PMA, Firenze
2018: “ART: A coat of Many Colors: The European Human Rights Dimension of ART families”, ABA Section of Family Law, 2018 Spring CLE Conference, Nashville, Tennessee
2017: "It’s a Small World: Cross-Border Surrogacy and Dual Citizenship (How to Advise International Parents Returning Home from the U.S.), AAARTA, 2017 Mid-year Conference, Anaheim, California
2017: Lezione su “Normative a confronto in campo di biotecnologie in campo umano - Utero surrogato”, Corso di Laurea in Legislation and Bioethics - Medicine of Reproduction, Università di Teramo
2016: “Italians doing surrogacy abroad: a legal checklist”, ABA Section of Family Law, 2016 Spring CLE Conference, Paradise Island, BahamasINFO ABOUT THE COURSE
OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE- Knowledge and understanding:
The lessons will be held in English. The course provides a complete and updated picture of the Italian legislation and Case-Law in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technologies, with an overview of the essential elements of law and bioethics. The course also provides a general analysis of the European legislation and the international legislative and case-law framework.
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
An oral examination will follow the course. During the examination, the teacher will evaluate the knowledge of the topics covered during the course and the students' ability to connect these notions to their scientific field of operation. During the examination, the teacher will evaluate the knowledge acquired, during the course, and how the students might apply such knowledge to their scientific activity.
- Making judgments:
During the lessons, the teacher will assess the student's ability to understand topics and apply these general notions to their activity as medical professionals, to comply with the domestic laws and regulations currently in force, and to the European and International standards, as well.
- Communication:
The student's communication skills are assessed explicitly during the lessons, as well as during the oral presentation in the final exam test.
- Learning skills:
The organization of the course, which lasts for four consecutive weeks, allows the teacher to assess the student's degree of learning in real-time, individually verifying the ability to transfer theoretical knowledge to their application area of the job as medical professionals.
The overall assessment of learning is then carried out at the end of the course.
PREREQUISITE AND PREPARATORY- Prerequisite: There are no recommended prerequisites other than the basic definitions inherent to the Assisted Reproductive Technologies.
- Preparatory:
UNIT 1: Basic notions of legislation and bioethics and a general analysis of some major bioethics and legal issues in medicine of reproductionUNIT 2: Italian Law n. 40/2004 and Constitutional Court’s decisions on Italian Law n.40/2004
UNIT 3: Assisted Reproductive Technologies and European Directives
Materials (slides, documents, laws) are distributed and upload on the platform before and after the lessons
http://www.salute.gov.it/portale/donna/dettaglioContenutiDonna.jsp?lingua=italiano&id=4484&area=Salute%20donna&menu=nascitaRESEARCH MATERIAL