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Scienze delle amministrazioni - Opzionali

Topic outline

  • Consuelo Diodati is Researcher in Sociology at the Department of Political Sciencies of the University of Teramo, where she also teaches Social Policy and Administrative Sociology, Degree Course of International Studies.

    She’s been developing her studies in the fields of globalization in contemporary societies, new identities in the role of women and men as metaphore of social changes and uncertanty, with a systematic approach, even face to local identities and development of territories. Across the years she’s always been cooperating with radio ad music newspapers.
    Recent publications: C. Diodati, Globalizzazione e dinamiche di ridefinizione delle identità, in Ungano, Montanari (a cura di), Potere politico e globalizzazione, Rubettino, 2005; C. Diodati, Saggi sull’ambivalenza, Aracne, Roma, 2006; Diodati C., Urbanization and Tourism on the Abruzzo Coast, Aracne, Roma, 2008; Diodati C., Oltre la soglia - storie di vita di donne artigiane della ceramica di Castelli,, Narcissus (e-book), 2012; Diodati C., Appunti di Sociologia, Narcissus (e-book) 2013; Diodati C., Società vuote – Privati pieni, Narcissus (e-book) 2014. Diodati C., Azione individuale e nuove forme di democrazia, in Di Marco C., Ricci F. (a cura di), La partecipazione (im)possibile?, Giappichelli, Torino, 2015; Diodati C. (a cura di), Diodati R., Tortuosa è la via dell’uomo se vuol essere libero, Aracne, Roma, 2016; Diodati C., “Cambiamenti educativi: l'università italiana nel panorama dell'unificazione europea”, Le Nuove Frontiere della Scuola – Quadrimestrale di cultura pedagogia e didattica, n. 46, Anno XV, La Medusa editrice, pp. 121 - 128, aprile 2018; Diodati C., “Non luoghi e centri commerciali: donne consumatrici critiche (?)”, OJH – Open Journal of Humanieties, 2019; Di madre in figlia - i diari delle ricette; Ratio Sociologica, n. 2, 2020.

    GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE (in line with Dublin Descriptors)
    Knowledge and understanding: knowledge and understanding of social policies at national and international level are modulated taking into account the complexity of contemporary societies, considering the fact that the course is adressed to students of third year, supposed to have basic skills to face the matter. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: The aim is to improve critical ability, understanding and communication of the learners, even through small laboratory activities - results will be exhibited by the students themselves. Autonomy of judgment: The course aims to encourage the autonomy of judgment of learners through periodic oral tests aimed at reflecting on the topics of study and on their current relevance, in order to be able to apply their knowledge on social policies to the national and European. Communication skills: Oral tests have the purpose of evaluating and stimulating the students communication as "speakers", supported by the teacher to assess any limits and methods of overcoming. through participation in workshops. Learning skills: Therefore, students' learning skills will be oriented towards the acquisition of a systematic study method, which allows them to re-elaborate (oral and written) the contents, so to orient themselves in the identification of skills and deficits also through relational skills of group work.

    Prerequisites: none Prerequisites: none

    DIDATTIC UNIT 1: Administrative Policies Origins
    DIDATTIC UNIT 2: Administrative processes analysis
    DIDATTIC UNIT 3: Actors of Administrative Sociology
    DIDATTIC UNIT 4: Strumenti di Policy Instruments
    DIDATTIC UNIT 5: Policy community and policy network
    DIDATTIC UNIT 6: Public and Private Decision making in Administrative Sociology Approach
    DIDATTIC UNIT 7: Razionalismo and Incrementation Theories
    DIDATTIC UNIT 8: Policy design
    DIDATTIC UNIT 9: Administrative Policies Evaluation
    DIDATTIC UNIT 10: Different Decision making processes and Polity Cycle
    DIDATTIC UNIT 11; Conclusions and new approach to the study of Administrative Policy



    - Michael Howlett M. Ramesh How to Study Public Policies (tr. it. Come studiare le politiche pubbliche), Il Mulino, Bologna, 1995.


    TEST N. 1: Oral test and Power Point Presentation on the first 5 topics of the lessons

    TEST N. 2: Oral Test and Powe rPoint Presentation on the rest of the Programm


    The evaluation is subject to the presence and participation of students in the courses, their ability to make a group in presentations and workshops, as well as the trend of the average of the marks obtained in the intermediate tests.

    Prof. Diodati