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Corrado Pasquali
Diritto, Economia e Strategia d'impresa - Opzionali

Topic outline

  • In the Economics of Innovation course we will study the role of technological innovation in economic life. 
    Under this perspective, we will move along two main paths. First, we will analyze the weight and role of innovative 
    processes and their technological-productive implementation with respect to some fundamental aspects of economies
    such as employment and growth. Secondly, we will try to explain which institutional structures favor innovation.
    Finally, we will analyze the fundamental characteristics of innovative processes and their adoption/diffusion as
    they have occurred in recent years. This year, particular emphasis will be given to green innovations, i.e. technological innovations
    that are instrumental in safeguarding the environment. the way: this class will be taught in english.
  • Main topics will be: a general introduction to innovation and its role, main economic models of technological innovation, main economic models of economic growth, intellectual property, green innovation, relation between innovation and employment/unemployment. 

  • 1) David Weil, Economic Growth, Routledge, Any edition will work. Chapters 3, 8 e 9. 

    2) Class' slides and handouts

  • The exam will consist in multiple choice questions plus open questions and exercises. 

    60 minutes allotted. 

    Na plagiarism whatsoever will be tolerated. 

  • Class slides will be uploaded here.  

  • Student workers have the right and possibility to attend classes from a remote access. In order to do so, have contacted and let them know your worker status. After everything has been checked out, you will receive a link to be used in order to participate to classes from a remote access.