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Matteo Chincarini
Scienze delle produzioni animali sostenibili - 2° anno

Indice degli argomenti

  • ORCiD: 0000-0001-6369-4992

    Google Scholar:

    Web of Science ResearcherID: M-1693-2019

    Scopus: 57192646186

    Education and training

    28/10/2022- to date
    Assistant Professor
    University of Teramo
    Department of Veterinary Medicine

    National Scientific qualification as associate in the Italian higher education system, for the disciplinary field of 07/G1 - Animal science and technology.

    01/08/2019 – 30/07/2022
    Research fellow
    University of Teramo , Teramo (Italy)
    PON-AIM Research and Innovation Project 2014-2020 "Attraction and International Mobility"

    11/11/2017 – 31/07/2019
    University of Teramo , Teramo (Italy)
    Project: "A new non-invasive approach to the investigation of cerebral activity in domestic animals using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: Implications on animal welfare and on comparative system and cognitive neuroscience"

    University of Teramo, Teramo (Italy)
    Project: "Approach to the investiagtion of cerebral activity in domestic animals using functional near-infrared spectroscopy"

    PhD - PhD in Veterinary Medical Sciences, Public Health and Animal Welfare University of Teramo, Teramo (Italy)

    20/07/2017: Defense of PhD theses, title: Implications of emotions and cognitive abilities for sheep welfare

    Supervisor: Prof. Giorgio Vignola

    Veterinarian in voluntary training
    IZSAM G. Caporale - Laboratory relationship man/ animal and animal welfare - Pineto (Teramo).
    Supervisor: Dr. Nicola Ferri

    Postgraduate internship
    Veterinary Clinic Modena Sud, Spilamberto (MO) (Italy) Supervisor: Dr. Damiano Cavina

    September 2006 – March 2012 Degree in Veterinary Medicine University of Parma

    discussion of Master's Degree thesis, title: Study of behavioral problems observed in the first month of adoption in dogs from the kennel of Madrid (Spain)
    Supervisors: Prof. Grasselli (UNIPR), Prof. Ibanez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain)

    June 2006
    Scientific Diploma (Scientific and Technological) Istituto Statale "Fermo Corni", Modena (Italy)

    Education and research at foreign institutes

    11/01/2021 – 09/ 09/2021:
    Research Fellow at Inrae, Nouzilly (France): collaboration for the study of neural networks in the "resting state" phase in the ovine species
    Supevisor: Dr. Raymond Nowak

    January 2017 – April 2017:
    Ph.D. visiting student at "Centro de Estudos Comparativos em Saúde, Sustentabilidade e Bem- Estar" - the University of São Paolo, Pirassununga (Brazil)".
    Supervisor: Prof. Adroaldo Zanella

    April 2016 – October 2016:
    Ph.D. visiting student at "Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo (Norway)"

    • Research project 1: Use of new technologies to monitor the welfare status of extensively reared sheep. The aim of the research was the prevention and warning of predation and tick-borne diseases
    • Research project 2: determination of immunoglobulins present in calves in the first days of calf life through non-invasive techniques.

    Supervisor: Dr. Solveig Marie Stubsjøen

    Student Placement - European project "Leonardo"
    University of Bristol - Animal Welfare and Behaviour group, Bristol (United Kingdom) Supervisor: Dr. Rachel Casey

    March 2011 – June 2011
    University internship at: Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Facultad de Veterinaria, Madrid (Spain)

    • Zootechnical Internship, "Departamento de Producción Animal" Supervisor: Prof.Miguel Ibáñez Talegon

    • Internship of Surgical Clinic and Obstetric and Gynecology Clinic, "Hospital Veterinary Clinic Complutense"
      Supervisor: Prof. Paloma García Fernández

    September 2009 – September 2010

    Course of study at: Universidad Complutense de Madrid – Facultad de Veterinaria, Madrid (Spain)

    National and international training courses

    • European Practical Guides to the animal transport of cattle, sheep, horses, pigs and poultry" and held in Rome (RM) at the Auditorium of the Ministry of Health from 26/10/2017 to 26/10/2017, IZSAM
    • Training Course on Safety and Health at Work (M-75 Veterinary Services, C-10, Food Industries, L-72 Scientific Research and Development, A-01.4 Animal Breeding)
    • SISVET WORKSHOP - SIB: On-farm assessment of dairy cattle welfare: a multilateral approach for sustainable and conscious production, Fondazione Iniziative Zooprof. e Zootecnica, 25 May 2017
    • Training and refresher course on the use of animals for scientific and educational purposes (II edition 2016) " held in Teramo (TE) at CIFIV ( IZSAM) from 29/11/2016 to 07/12/2016
    • Ph.D. course "Animal Pain", department of Animal Science, Aarhus University (Denmark) and Large Animal Science, Copenhagen University (Denmark) 7-11 March 2016
    • Corso of training to obtain the suitability to carry out the Assisted Activities with Animals (AAA), entitled: Course on identity and legislation of assisted interventions with animals – creating a synergistic network in Emilia-Romagna, Aula Magna of the Emilia- Romagna Region, 21-23 January 2015
    • Statistical analysis for zootechnical sciences, University of Pisa – ASPA, 14 – 18 September 2015
    • Protocol 'Shelter Quality' for the evaluation of the well-beingof dogs in kennels, IZSAM G. Caporale, Teramo; 8 – 10 July 2015

    Rowingand awards for research activities

    • ISAE Congress Attendance Fund (CAF) - 2018 ISAE congress on Prince Edward Island Scholarships for international mobility
    • International mobility internship (3 months), UNITE: Brazil
    • Erasmus+ traineeship (2 months): Norway

    • LifelongLearning Programme LEONARDO DA VINCI Scholarship Sub-programme: VETs in Europe VII (6 months): United Kingdom

    • StudyprogrammeLLP-ERASMUS PLACEMENT (3 months): Spain

    • LLP-Erasmus Socrates mobility grant (9 months): Spain

    Participation in national research projects

    Participation in Prin (Scientific Research Programs of Relevant National Interest - MIUR) 2015. Project title: A new non-invasive approach to the investigation of cerebral activity in domestic animals using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: Implications on animal welfare and on comparative system and cognitive neuroscience. National coordinator: Prof. Bruno Cozzo. Protocol: 2015Y5W9YP_004

    Teaching and tutoring activities for students

    Didactic activity:

    • A.a 2022/2023 holder of the course: Evaluation, improvement and enhancement of animal welfare. Degree Course in Sustainable Animal Production Sciences (University of Teramo), 60 hours

    • A.a. 2021/2022: PhD course "Behavior and welfare of farm animals used for scientific purposes" 15 hours. PhD in Veterinary Medical Sciences, Public Health and Animal Welfare – University of Teramo

    • a.a. 2021/2022: Course holder: Evaluation, improvement and enhancement of animal welfare. Degree Course in Sustainable Animal Production Sciences (University of Teramo), 60 hours

    • a.y. 2020/2021: course holder: Evaluation, improvement and enhancement of animal welfare. Degree course in Sustainable Animal Production Sciences (University of Teramo), 60 hours.

    • "Behavior and welfare of farm animals used for scientific purposes" for the PhD course in Veterinary Medical Sciences, Public Health and Animal Welfare of the University of Teramo.

    • Teaching at "Armenian National Agrarian University" (Armenia), 23-27 May 2022

    • Co-supervisor of a master's thesis in the Master's Degree in Veterinary Medicine - Animal Science

    • Master's thesis supervisor in the degree course in Sustainable Animal Production Sciences

    Seminar activity

    • Seminar on sheep welfare as part of the project "Animal Welfare in Breeding, in the transport phases and during slaughter", addressed to the Veterinary Medical Staff of the ATS Insubria on 4 December 2020.

    • Lesson title: "Aspects of applied ethology in experimental design: the case of the ovine species", training course The use of farm animals in translational research, event organized by IZSA&M and AISAL, 07/11/2019

    • Lesson title "Aspects of applied ethology in experimental design: the case of the ovine species" – Training course, L arge animals in translational research, event organized by IZSER&L and AISAL 09/10/2019

    • GEBEA, Universidade de São Paolo (Brazil), Animal Welfare teaching in EU, 26 April 2017

    • Centro de Estudos Comparativos em Saúde, Sustentabilidade e Bem-Estar, Universidade de Sāo Paolo (Brazil), Assessing brain activity during an emotional task in free-moving sheep, 13 April 2017

    • Introduction to evaluation protocols for animal welfare in sheep, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – UNITE, 12 April 2016.

    • Lecture on the behavior of pets (dog and cat) – Module Prof. Scapolo, 4 April 2016

    • ECAWBM study day: Animal welfare assessment in farmed male animals.

      Cascais(PT)September 2016

    • ECAWBM study day: Animal welfare assessment in Broilers - lawcase. Bristol (UK) September 2015

    • Training event for "Degree Course in Animal Protection and Welfare"–UNITE, 29 May 2014. Shelter medicine and adoption factors.


    Reccomender per Peer Communitu In (PCI) Animal Science
    Frontiers in Veterinary Science - Animal Behavior and Welfare (ISSN 2297-1769) Applied Animal Behaviour Science

    Scientific Expert's Activity

    French National Research Agency (ANR) 2019-2020

    Member of the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UniTe) Dean's Decree no. 105 of 12/05/2021

    Member of the following associations:

    International Society of Applied Ethology (ISAE)
    University Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) – Head of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UniTe) - Link Scheme:

    Organization of Conferences and Workshops

    • Participation in the Scientific Committee in the "1st Scientific Joint Conference of Red CIBA-ISAE SWE, July 14-15 2022, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain). In addition,oordination the workshop "Using the STRANGE framework to improve animal welfare" together with Prof. Christian Rutz (University of St Andrews, UK).

    • Participation "European researcher night" with the presentation: Animal emotions, how to interpret animal behavior. 30 September 2022, Teramo 


    Il corso ha lo scopo di approfondire le tematiche riguardanti la valutazione del benessere animale nell'ambito zootecnico. Saranno approfonditi gli aspetti di valutazione del benessere animale (misure dirette e indirette), di etica applicata alle scienze animali, sistemi di certificazione del benessere animale e rapporto con l'emergente zootecnia di precisione (PLF). Il laureato saprà coniugare il miglioramento quantitativo e qualitativo delle produzioni animali con il benessere e la sanità degli animali allevati in un'ottica di salute ambientale, riconoscendo il proprio ruolo all'interno della società in quanto portatore di interessi. 


    • Conoscenza e capacità di comprensione: Fornire allo studente conoscenze di tipo teorico e applicativo circa la valutazione del benessere animale in allevamento
    • Capacità di applicare conoscenza e comprensione: Attraverso le conoscenze acquisite, gli studenti saranno in grado di approntare misure gestionali e di controllo utili a garantire il benessere degli animali allevati. La capacità di applicare alle problematiche di settore le conoscenze acquisite sarà inoltre stimolata e verificata durante l’intero percorso formativo mediante approcci teorici e pratici durante le lezioni e le esercitazioni in campo.
    • Autonomia di giudizio: Gli studenti acquisiranno autonomia di giudizio per la valutazione del benessere animale nelle diverse specie allevate. Saranno inoltre in grado di utilizzare gli stumenti per individuare le misure di benessere specie-specifiche per adattarle nei diversi contesi. Avranno inoltre la capacità di analizzare i problemi relativi al benessere animale da un punto di vista etico.
    • Abilità comunicative: Attraverso idonee conoscenze gli studenti svilupperanno la capacità di comunicare in contesti tecnico-scientifici, di elaborare e discutere dati sperimentali, di lavorare in gruppo e di trasmettere e divulgare informazioni su temi di benessere animale. 
    • Capacità di apprendimento: Gli studenti acquisiranno durante il loro percorso formativo il metodo utile al completamento e all’aggiornamento autonomo della loro preparazione culturale e professionale. Tali capacità prepareranno gli studenti sia ad affrontare studi successivi (terzo livello) che alla vita professionale. Gli studenti saranno infatti dotati di valide competenze utili alla comprensione di articoli scientifici, alla consultazione bibliografica e alla ricerca su banche dati, in particolare su argomenti pertinenti l’allevamento ed il benessere animale


    • Prerequisiti: buona conoscenza dell'etologia applicata negli animali domestici
    • Propedeuticità: non sono previste propedeuticità

    Durante il corso saranno affrontati i seguenti argomenti: 

    • Relazione benessere animale e PLF (2 h)
    • Reducing stressors and environmental enrichment (2 h)
    • Valutazione del benessere animale nei suini (2 h)
    • Valutazione del benessere animale nei bovini (2 h)
    • Valutazione del benessere animale negli ovini (2 h)
    • Disease and Production measures of AW (2 h)
    • HA relationship in AW (2 h)
    • Storia e definizione del benessere animale, misure di benessere animale (6 h)
    • Principi di etica in relazione al benessere animale (6 h)
    • AW organisation & labels (2 h)
    • One Welfare (2 h)
    • Esercitazioni pratiche (30 h)

    Durante il corso saranno inoltre organizzati seminari con relatori esterni su temi specifici.


    • Bernard E. Rollin, Barbara de Mori, Gli altri animali: Scienza ed etica di fronte al benessere animale, Mimesis (2020)
    • Rollin, Bernard E. An introduction to veterinary medical ethics: Theory and cases. John Wiley & Sons, 2013.
    • Sovrano, Zucca e Regolin; Il comportamento degli animali, Evoluzione cognizione e benessere; Cacci editore (2015)
    • Broom and Fraser: Domestic animal behaviour and welfare (5th edition)
    • Per Jensen: Etologia degli animali domestici (2011)
    • The Veterinarian’s Guide to Animal Welfare 2022, Edizione Inglese di Bonnie V. Beaver (Autore), Gail C. Golab (Autore)

    Ulteriori libri di teso e materiale didattico saranno indicati all'inizio di ogni modulo.


    Disponibile presso la cartella Google Drive condivisa con gli studenti iscritti al corso.



    • Unità didattica di riferimento: comunicata a lezione.
    • Data: 
    • Tipologia di prova: scritta. Domande a scelta multipla e a risposta aperta.


    Elaborato scritto, presentazione di un caso di valutazione di benessere animale (500-600 parole max). Il modello sarà fornito a lezione. 
    Prova finale scritta.

    Durante la prima lezione saranno illustrate le attività dell'anno e le modalità di valutazione. 

    Matteo Chincarini