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I Partial TEST _ 17.05.2024

I Partial TEST _ 17.05.2024
di Marta CZERNIK -
Numero di risposte: 0

Dear students,

Please find below some information regarding the I partial tests:

- The first partial test will take place on the E-learning platform directly from home (remote, online) on 17th May at 9.00 

- there will be 30 questions for 40 min.

- it is essential to be equipped with a PC and internet connection and it is essential to have previously verified access to e-learning (Login and PERSONAL login credentials, a useful link below:;

- it is necessary to be connected to the Embryology - Prof. Marta Czernik - a.a. 2023/2024 page at least 10-5 minutes before the start of the test;

- all interested parties must be enrolled in the course ("Iscrivimi in questo corso" at the top left);

- to carry out the test it is necessary to have the password which will be communicated to you approximately one hour in advance through Annunci or googlemeet link:

- during the test, it will not be possible to navigate to other pages. In case of loss of connection and quiz page, it will not be possible to restore the attempt in any way, as IT assistance is not guaranteed;

- to avoid errors during the test and the loss of the quiz, it is advisable to skip the page using only the arrows at the bottom " Pagina precedente" or "Pagina successiva" and always check that the connection is active before changing pages or before attempt delivery (Termina il tentativo -> Invia tutto e termina -> Invia tutto e termina);

- if during the test there are problems that cannot be solved by following the instructions provided above, it is possible to send an email to


Please contact me in you have any questions.

Thank you in advance,

Marta Czernik