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Dipartimento di Bioscienze e tecnologie agro-alimentari e ambientali
Biotecnologie avanzate
Anno Accademico 2021/2022
1° anno
Focus - Complessità, caos e termodinamica in patologia ambientale
Perspectives on Complexity, Chaos and Thermodynamics in Environmental Pathology
Perspectives on Complexity, Chaos and Thermodynamics in Environmental Pathology
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Perspectives on Complexity, Chaos and Thermodynamics in Environmental Pathology
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Perfluorooctanoic acid-induced cellular and subcellular alterations in fish hepatocytes
Perfluorooctanoic Acid Exposure Assessment on Common Carp Liver through Image and Ultrastructural Investigation
Texture analysis in liver of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) sub-chronically exposed to perfluorooctanoic acid
Multivariate approach to gill pathology in European sea bass after experimental exposure to cadmium and terbuthylazine.
European sea bass gill pathology after exposure to cadmium and terbuthylazine: Expert versus fractal analysis
Local connected fractal dimension analysis in gill of fish experimentally exposed to toxicants.
Pigmented macrophages and related aggregates in the spleen of european sea bass dosed with heavy metals: Ultrastructure and explorative morphometric analysis
Macrophage aggregates in gilthead sea bream fed copper, iron and zinc enriched diets
Cellular alterations in different organs of European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) exposed to cadmium
Histo-cytological responses of Dicentrarchus labrax (L.) following mercury exposure
Alteration of rodlet cells in chub caused by the herbicide Stam® M-4 (Propanil)
Effects of experimental terbuthylazine exposure on the cells of Dicentrarchus labrax (L.)
The effect of dexamethasone on the occurrence and ultrastructure of rodlet cells in goldfish
Pagina web dedicata alle rodlet cell
Melanomacrophage Centers As a Histological Indicator of Immune Function in Fish and Other Poikilotherms
Assessment of blood chemistry normal ranges in rainbow trout
Assessment of serum protein fractions in rainbow trout using automated electrophoresis and densitometry
Exploratory Factor Analysis of Rainbow Trout Serum Chemistry Variables
A Fish Model of Renal Regeneration and Development
The see-through medaka: A fish model that is transparent throughout life
Little Fish, Big Data: Zebrafish as a Model for Cardiovascular and Metabolic Disease
Acute-phase proteins during inflammatory reaction by bacterial infection: Fish-model
Potency of Fish Collagen as a Scaffold for Regenerative Medicine
The neurological toxicity of heavy metals: A fish perspective
Towards an alternative for the acute fish LC50 test in chemical assessment: The fish embryo toxicity test goes multi-species - an update
Review Article: Experimental Chemical Carcinogenesis in Fish
Fiji - Fiji is just ImageJ
Guida all'uso del microscopio ottico