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Before continuing to use this site you must read and accept our privacy policy.

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Before continuing to use this site you must read and accept our terms and conditions.

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It is the duty of all professors, researchers, technical and administrative staff, students and all other members of the University, in their activities on the e-learning platforms, to comply with the Code of Ethics of the University of Teramo. Students are also bound to comply with the Students Regulation.

Contents posting and management policy

The Contents on the University of Teramo e-learning platforms, including but not limited to texts (including teaching material in the form of texts, messages, documents, reports, etc.), static and moving images (including photographs, drawings, videos), music, graphs, tables and any other materials are protected by the statutory provisions on intellectual property.

Anyone publishing Contents on the e-learning platforms expressly guarantees that all Contents, not only comply with all statutory provisions, but are also lawfully available to him/her for use and do not breach any copyright laws, trade marks, patents or other third party rights deriving from laws, contracts and/or custom, hereby releasing the University of Teramo of the burden of verifying the truthfulness of such statements;

Anyone publishing Contents on the e-learning platforms shall in any case expressly undertake to hold the University of Teramo harmless, substantially and before the courts, of any losses, damage, responsibility cost or expense, including legal costs, deriving from any economic or other claims made by third parties concerning the Contents published by the user on the e-learning platforms.

The Contents on the University of Teramo e-learning platforms shall be considered to be destined exclusively for personal educational use and shall not be used for commercial purposes. The use of any contents that are not expressly authorised by law or by the holders of any copyright is strictly forbidden.

It is in any case forbidden to publish, disseminate, distribute in any manner and using any means, also electronically (e.g. via email), the Contents on the University of Teramo e-learning platforms without the prior written consent of the respective holders of the rights.