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Indice degli argomenti
Alessia Peserico is a RTD-B of the Dip. of Bioscience and Technology for Food, Agriculture and Environment.
Her research focuses on two main areas:
Female Health and Reproductive Aspects:
She seeks to understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms driving processes that lead to the maturation of a competent gamete for fertilization. A key aspect involves developing innovative techniques for preserving female fertility, utilizing bio-materials in 3D culture methods. Her work also explores the impact of stressors on reproductive performance, such as dietary influence and exposure to "nanoplastics" derived from plastics. Innovative protocols for in vitro ovarian folliculogenesis and follicle-enclosed oocyte in vitro maturation are essential components of this research.
Translational Regenerative Medicine:
In this field, her focus is on the immunomodulatory abilities of amniotic epithelial stem cells, exploring their potential use as nanocarriers for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Activities include developing cellular targeting protocols with nanoparticles and investigating their immunomodulatory properties in vitro for potential applications in tissue transplantation on in vivo models.
Course Objectives:
The course aims to deepen understanding of endocrine, paracrine, and autocrine mechanisms, along with signaling pathways involved in follicle/oocyte growth and specialization. This knowledge supports the quality of matured oocytes and early embryo development. The advanced theoretical training provided is crucial for learning methods used in the study/research of female gametes and translating cellular knowledge into protocols for in vitro maturation (IVM) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) in reproductive medicine.
The Physiology of Reproduction- Author: E. Knobil and J.D. Neill
- Edition: Raven Press, Ltd, 2004, New York, 2004,
- Pages: Mammalian Ovum chapter
- Link ebook: ISBN-10: 0125154003, ISBN-13: 978-0125154000.
Germ Cells and Fertilization; Vol 2- Author: C. R. Austin and R. V. Short
- Edition: Cambridge university Press, 1982, London, ,
- Link ebook: DOI: 10.1002/mrd.1120240115.
Fallopian Tubes- Author: Dr. Ronald H. F. Hunter
- Edition: Springer , 1988, Verlag, ,
- Link ebook: